The Noble Eight-Fold Path to Happiness

Just as a capable physician might instantly cure a patient who is in pain and seriously ill, so also…whatever one hears of the Buddha’s Dharma — be it discourse, mixed prose, explanations, or marvelous statements — one’s sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair will vanish.
—Angutatra Nikaya
The core of the Buddha’s teachings can be described in two essential principles: The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eight-Fold Path. The Eight-Fold Path arises from the Fourth Truth: walking a path that ends suffering and leads to happiness. This roadmap is for cultivating the fundamental ingredients needed to live a mindful life — a 2,600-year-old, step-by-step process of mental training for creating contentment and happiness and for ending suffering.
Who should take this course? The most important factor is a strong desire to expand and deepen your mindfulness practice and the wish to bring it into daily living. This class is ideal for those who have basic training in mindfulness meditation. Beginners and drop-ins are welcome!
Class Info
- Dates & Times: Wednesday, August 21–October 9, 6:30–8:30 PM
- Fee: $45 for the series or $7 for drop-ins, plus a Dana donation to the teacher. The teachings of the Buddha are supported by Dana — a Pali word meaning Generosity. Please give generously, what you can, to support Lhasha in continuing her dharma teaching. Suggested donation is $10. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.
- Location: TCMC, 1231 E. Edison, Tucson, AZ (one block south of Grant, two houses west of Mountain). Please park a block away from the center. If you can’t walk that far, feel free to park in the driveway.
- Contact: Lhasha Tizer
- Registration: Register online at or send a check (payable to TCMC), along with your e-mail and phone number to TCMC, c/o Eight-Fold Path, PO Box 40007, Tucson, AZ 85717.