The Five Spiritual Faculties
“The Buddha was very pragmatic. He didn’t philosophize about ‘the nature of reality’; he gave us simple, basic guidelines about how we can manage the challenges and difficulties of life. The Buddha started with the basic human condition: we often suffer. Suffering can take many forms: anxiety, tension, stress, grief, fear, or dissatisfaction, to name a few. He emphasized that suffering is workable, that we can engage with our suffering in such a way as to be freed from it. He described five faculties that we need to develop to do so: confidence (faith), effort, mindfulness, concentration, and discernment (wisdom). These five qualities are present in varying degrees in almost every activity. They are useful in developing any skill, be it playing a musical instrument, training in a sport, or cultivating a meditative mind. The Buddha recognized these universal human capacities and taught us how to use them to develop the craft of meditation.” — Gil Fronsdal
This 6-week class series will consist of a dharma talks, meditation, group discussions, reflective inquiry, and Q&A
Class Info
- Dates & Times: Wednesdays, April 26 – May 31, 6:30–8:30 pm
- Fee: $38 / series or $7 / drop-in (for TCMC), plus a Dana donation to the teacher. The teachings of the Buddha are supported by Dana — a Pali word meaning Generosity. Please give generously, what you can, to support Lhasha in continuing her dharma teaching. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.
- Location: TCMC, 1231 E. Edison, Tucson, AZ (one block south of Grant, two houses west of Mountain). Please park a block away from the center. If you can’t walk that far, feel free to park in the driveway.
- Contact: Lhasha Tizer
- Registration: Register online at or send a check (payable to TCMC), along with your e-mail and phone number to TCMC c/o Five Faculties, PO Box 43415, Tucson, AZ 85733