Mindful Living

Mindful Living (6-Week Class)

What attitudes of mindfulness can help us in daily life? When the mind is open and receptive, learning, understanding, and change is possible. The attitudes that we bring to the practice of mindfulness will influence its long-term value for us. We will be exploring and nurturing seven attitudes of Mindfulness: beginner’s mind, non-judging, patience, trust, acceptance, non-striving and letting go.

When: Tuesdays, 6:30–8:30 pm, from April 5 – May 10; Daylong practice on Sunday, May 22, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm (the Daylong is open to all who wish to participate)

Fee: $40 TCMC fee, plus a dana donation to the teacher. These 2,600-year-old teachings of the Buddha are supported by dana, a Pali word meaning generosity. You are invited to give generously, what you can, to support Lhasha in continuing her dharma teaching. No one is ever turned away for inability to pay. Volunteer options are available.

Where: TCMC, 1231 E. Edison, Tucson — one block S. of Grant, two houses west of Mountain Ave. It is important to the future of TCMC to observe mindful parking by not parking on the same block as the Center and by leaving an empty parking space in front of the homes on the neighboring blocks. Please reserve TCMC driveway parking for people who cannot walk far. Thank you!

To register: Contact Lhasha at info@themindfulnesspath.com.