The Seven Factors of Awakening
An 8-Week Class Series
The Seven Factors of Awakening are one category of spiritual qualities of heart and mind, frequently mentioned by the Buddha as very beneficial for spiritual development. With mindfulness as their foundation, each quality builds one upon another, eventually resulting in freedom and happiness.
They are composed of mindfulness, investigation (inquiry), energy (effort), joy (rapture), tranquility (calm), and concentration. In the Pali Canon, it is stated that if the Seven Factors of Awakening are cultivated and developed, they fulfill knowledge and liberation. It is helpful to note that one of the categories in the development of mindfulness is the Seven Factors of Awakening.
We will begin with an introduction, and each week there will be a talk, a meditation, a discussion, and spiritual exercises in order to explore and bring these qualities into our lives in practical ways.
When: Tuesdays, January 3 – February 14, 2017, 6:30–8:30 pm
TCMC Fee: $120 for all 8 weeks. 60/40 split between the teacher and TCMC. No one is ever turned away for inability to pay. Volunteer options are available.
Where: TCMC, 1231 E. Edison, Tucson
Directions: One block S. of Grant, 2 houses west of Mountain Ave. Please park a block away from the center. If you can’t walk that far, feel free to park in the driveway.
Register online at or send a check (payable to TCMC), along with your email and phone number to TCMC c/o Seven Factors, PO Box 40007, Tucson, AZ 85717.