The Ten Perfections: A New Class Series of the Desert Insight Meditation Study Group
Class Info
- Dates & Times: Wednesdays, June 8 – July 6 and August 10 – September 7, 6:30–8:30 pm
- Fee: $5–7 / each class, plus a Dana donation to the teacher. The teachings of the Buddha are supported by Dana — a Pali word meaning Generosity. Please give generously, what you can, to support Lhasha in continuing her dharma teaching. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.
- Location: TCMC, 1231 E. Edison, Tucson, AZ (one block south of Grant, two houses west of Mountain). Please park a block away from the center. If you can’t walk that far, feel free to park in the driveway.
- Contact: Lhasha Tizer
- Registration: Register online at or send a check (payble to TCMC), along with your e-mail and phone number to TCMC, c/o Essential, PO Box 40007, Tucson, AZ 85717.
What are the Perfections? The Perfections are noble qualities of heart and mind accompanied by compassion and wisdom. These beautiful qualities can be developed in daily life as well as in meditation. They are qualities of character that consist of generosity, virtue, renunciation, wisdom, energy, patience, truthfulness, resolve, loving kindness, and equanimity.
For people in the contemporary world who are struggling with the issue of how to bring the Dharma into daily life, the Perfections provide a useful framework for developing a fruitful attitude toward any activity or relationship undertaken wisely. When we develop the Perfections in a balanced way, they become a beneficial part of our daily practice and enhance our life.
Suggested Reading
Living this Life Fully: Stories and Teachings of Munindra by Mirka Knaster