The Four Unconditional Qualities of the Heart: Opening the Door to Love

The Four Unconditional Qualities of the Heart: Opening the Door to Love Class Series

Dates: Monday evenings, 6 – 7:30 p.m., March 4, 11, 18, 25.

You are welcome to attend any one class or all eight in the series.

About this series: There are four beautiful qualities of heart and mind, for dwelling in the world, and they can be cultivated through daily life practice. They are composed of loving friendliness (kindness), compassion, appreciative or sympathetic joy, and equanimity.

We will study and explore each of these “Qualities of Heart” weekly, as a force in opening the entire body-mind connection so we can live with greater peace, balance, and contentment.

Each session will have the same format of guided meditation, a themed dharma talk, and an interactive dialogue practice regarding the theme. This is an effective way to access personal meaning and relevance within the session itself and develop important skills of listening deeply and speaking with care.

“Out of the soil of friendliness grows the beautiful bloom of compassion watered by tears of joy and sheltered by the cool tree of equanimity”   

~ 14th Century Tibetan Poet

Cost: $30/session, Sol Center member discount is applicable.

Note: No one will be turned away due to inability to pay. These 2,600-year-old teachings of the Buddha are supported by Dana or Generosity. You are invited to give generously what you can to Lhasha to continue to support her in her teachings.

Where: Sol Center, 527 N. Tucson Blvd, Tucson AZ.

To register, go to