Tucson Mindfulness in Nature Camping Retreat with Johann Robbins & Lhasha Tizer
The Buddha lived and taught outdoors. Most of the traditions of Buddhism were developed in nature. Mindfulness and silence deepen our experience of nature and beauty. This silent meditation retreat is for anyone from beginners to experienced meditators. Activities include instructions, sitting and walking (hiking) meditation, dharma talks, Q&A, and optional camping. Suggested reading: Awake in the Wild by Mark Coleman
When: Friday, Oct 30 7:00–9:00 pm; Saturday, Oct 31, 9:00 am – 8:30 pm; and Sunday, Nov 1, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Cost: $80, before Oct 10, $100 after (for TCMC). Scholarships are available. Park entrance fee per vehicle per day (1-4 adults), $15 camping, $7 day use. You will have the opportunity to offer Dana donations for the teachers, a Buddhist tradition of generosity.
To register: You can register online at the TCMC site by clicking here.
Contact: Lulu Kioski (520) 275-4783
Program Info
Friday’s program begins at 7:00 pm. Feel free to arrive as early as 4:00 pm. Please plan to set up camp and meet your fellow campers with a potluck meal at 5:30 pm (optional). Also, plan to bring any other food you may need for other meals and snacks.
Saturday evening will include a simple dinner (provided) and a campfire dharma talk. You are welcome to camp or go home and return in the morning.
Days will include sitting and walking in nature. There will be a two hike options each day, a moderate and a short distance.
About the Teachers
Johann Robbins is the founder and director of Impermanent Sangha. Johann has been meditating since 1974 with a focus on Mindfulness since 1997. He has completed the 2-year Community Dharma Leader teacher training program at Spirit Rock. His primary teachers include Shinzen Young, Eric Kolvig, and Joseph Goldstein. His style is light and open, yet focused and clear. He has been guiding and teaching silent meditation retreats in nature for the past 14 years. Learn more about Johann here.
Lhasha Tizer, M.S., has been practicing and regularly teaching formal meditation techniques for over 30 years. She began practicing Insight Meditation 20 years ago with Spirit Rock teachers and has taught at TCMC since 2000. She is a certified Community Dharma Leader from the Spirit Rock program and teaches for Desert Insight Meditation. Learn more about Lhasha here.
What Past Participants Say About This Retreat
“Amazed by the beautiful teaching and connection with nature. Appreciated that the teachers gave talks connected to nature.”
“This was my first retreat and first time meditating. Had no expectations… For the first time was comfortable without a book. Had given up on meditation and never had a teacher. Appreciated the meditation tips and guided meditation… The retreat was just long enough and would consider attending another.”
More Information
For Catalina Park info, click here.