How We Open to the Light of the New Year 2016

How We Open to the Light of the New Year 2016

In mindfulness practice, I have often said, “every moment is a new moment, every breath a new breath.” This is the essence of our practice — to keep returning to the perpetually unfolding, changing moment. In each moment we can begin anew; we can start again to remain present to the here and now.

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What does Generosity Mean to You?

What Does Generosity Mean to You?

Generosity is a wisdom teaching found in many cultures of the world. In Buddhist practice it has a special place. Generosity was one of the first teachings of the Buddha and it began when he was establishing the first “Four-Fold Sangha”. The sangha, community, was comprised of male and female monastics and laity, both men and women who learned to support each other through the giving of ‘alms” in exchange for receiving of teachings and blessings. Continue reading

How can We Practice Gratitude Simply?

How Can We Practice Gratitude Simply?

Gratitude includes mindfulness practice, awareness, meditation and prayer please take some time to see what form of practice is suitable for you.

GRATITUDE Is not a passive response to something we have been given, gratitude arises from paying attention, from being awake in the presence of everything that lives within and without us. Gratitude is not necessarily something that is shown after the event, it is the deep, a-priori state of attention that shows we understand and are equal to the gifted nature of life. Continue reading

Can We be with Nature Wilderness with Mindfulness, Equanimity, Patience and Ease?

Can We be with Nature Wilderness with Mindfulness, Equanimity, Patience and Ease?

I remember my first backpacking trip on my own. I wanted to go and I felt afraid to be on my own. At the time we lived in New Hampshire and I took an early autumn trip into the secluded Pemigewasset Wilderness area in the White Mountains. I decided to go to an area called “Seven Falls” where there was a confluence of seven rivers merging together. Continue reading

How do I Speak and Listen with Compassion and Wisdom Individually and globally?

How do I speak and listen with compassion and wisdom individually and globally?

1318373621PyjG00As a child I was told by my parents in order to protect myself from harm to say to other children “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me.”

I said it and perhaps this prevented further mocking by other nasty children but the damage was already done. The words they said stung, they hurt, there was harm; I felt afraid and embarrassed. Continue reading

Speaking Wisely, Listening Deeply

Speaking Wisely, Listening Deeply

If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?’ ~ Buddha

images- BuddhaThese words of the Buddha spoken 2,600 years ago have as much relevance today as when he originally said them. When the Buddha began teaching he first instructed his students in generosity as a practice to open the heart through compassion, connectedness, and support among the “Four-Fold Community” of practitioners (sangha) that were developing. Monastics, monks and nuns and lay people, men and women offered mutual exchange to each other through alms given freely and learning the teachings of the Buddha. Continue reading

What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is an inherent ability that we all have to live in a state of awareness moment by moment; to actually be present in a whole way. At any given moment mindfulness invites us to be aware of our breath and body sensations, our feelings, mental states, which are composed of emotions and thinking. It is non-judgmental awareness. How often do we really notice what is going on within and how influences are affecting us? Continue reading



“The belief that freedom is possible and that having it does not depend on having things, keeping or holding onto things. Having faith is giving.”

This is the time of year when most of us think about gifts, presents, shopping, and how we will squeeze in the time and space to accomplish all this. The days approaching the holiday season are filled with untold busyness, as we try to fulfill the needs and obligations of family, friends, and co-workers. Most of rush around in a driven state, trying to check another item off the never ending “to do” list and are left feeling exhausted and unfulfilled. Continue reading